[Excerpted from Radio Lab episode - Emergence - first broadcast 7/14/2008]
[Jad Abumrad] Think about a Seurat painting. The one where they're all on the banks of the Seine. You know the one?
[Robert Krulwich] I know the one.
[J] If you look at it up close all you see is dots.
[R] Right.
[J] You pull back and the picture emerges with all the ladies and their parasols. But the question with these systems - the big question - is whether there is a Seurat to make the dots, to paint the picture, or if somehow the painting just materializes on its own.
[R] Hmmmm....uh......well...You know that I have an opinion about this.
[J] I do.
[R] It's not a science-y opinion. Uh...I think it's not just fascinating that there are these hidden patterns and hidden rules. I think it's...umm...this is going to change the whole tone...I think its kinda...Holy. And I don't have, there's no scientific evidence because there's no science behind this, it's just an instinct. I think when you look at the way ants work or the way a Seurat painting emerges before your eyes...you're looking at an author.
[J] See, see, when you say that, all the air just gets let out of the balloon for me. It's like, the magic is gone.
[R] Really??
[J] Yeah, I think so.
[R] But, see, what you're left with then, everything you see when you wake up in the morning, as beautiful - and we all agree that its beautiful - is...empty of purpose. Is that okay with you?
[J] Yeah.
[R] Huh...